Electric Animal Fencing



Wildlife fencing.co.uk offers a variety of Gallagher electric fencing products that are specifically tailored to the needs of horse fencing. Horses present a specific set of problems when it comes to fencing including injury through spooking/bolting, cribbing or chewing of timber fences and the habit of using fences as leaning or scratching posts.


Gallagher high tensile wire can be installed using tensioning springs rather than simply pulling and permanently fixing to a straining post, thereby ensuring a greater level of flexibility in the system. To increase ease of installation, high tensile wire can be used in conjunction with eco-post or insultimber intermediate posts. In the case of the latter, the lifespan of the fence can be increased to 20+ years.

Sheep & Goats

It is recommended that the high tensile wire be fitted to strutted straining posts at 50-200m centres with additional straining posts at changes in direction or acute changes in the angle of the ground. Intermediate posts can be places at 3-10m centres. The spacing of your post is dependent upon a number of factors including the nature of the ground, the required lifespan of the fence and the size of posts used.


www.wildlifefencing.co.uk offers a variety of Gallagher electric fencing products that are specifically tailored to the needs of pig fencing. Grazing management may require permanent boundary fencing as well as temporary management solutions for strip grazing.


Gallagher offer domestic pet fencing kits that are suited to small gardens. Using this complete set you can keep your dog or cat within your garden boundaries, and keep other animals out of your garden.

Wild Animals

Effective protection for your crops. A great deal of agricultural damage is caused by wild boar and deer looking for food during the sow season. An important requirement for mobile protective fencing is its visibility, also at dusk and dawn. The fencing to keep wild animals out is always customised.


Further Information



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